



Raise awareness to happiness at work in companies

Happiness is the great philosophical question. It is also what human beings strive for. The purpose of my lectures is to raise my audience’s awareness of the importance of this topic, to explore the possibility of some kind of happiness at and through work, and to indicate to the employee, his manager and the executives the access ways to this kind of happiness.

My happiness as a lecturer is not only bringing know-how on a specific topic, but also creating to my audience an exploring opportunity that attracts them to refine personal reflection and to follow out further in the behaviors that provide favorable conditions for my and others’ happiness.

The interactions with the audience are very rich.

Public: Enterprises, general public, forums, associations, schools, universities
Presentation: in French, English or mandarin Chinese


Develop the individual’s ability to happiness

Allowing him/her to be more proactive in search of happiness at work

What is coaching ?

  • It means accompanying the individual on his/her own path and at his/her own pace
  • It means training the individual to discover how to work naturally
  • It allows the individual to do more what he/she should do
  • It is to study the individual, listen to him/her, and ask questions to make him/her change

What are the advantages?

  • Look at his/her job in a new, more objective way
  • Remove fears and build self-confidence
  • Work more productively, with more pleasure and less stress
  • Be more independent in the pursuit of his/her personal and professional initiative
  • Be more genuine and comfortable in relationships

How can it be possible ?

  • Thanks to the willingness of the individual and upon his/her request
  • With very keen observation of the individual’s natural behaviors
  • Through a private, benevolent and non-complaisant hearing
  • Through clear, relevant and objective questioning
  • With great respect of the individual’s own pace


To train managers and teams to promote environment for happiness at work and to build happier working environment in a sustainable way


Of his/her own management style and of his/her influence on the others and the team. That it is possible to change his/her management style for his/her own benefit and for the benefits of the team and company’s economic performance.

In my seminars, the bulk of acquisitions is done via experience, through solving problems in realistic contexts. The participant explores the utility of what he/she has learned by testing it in the real world. The feedbacks from the participant’s colleagues in the seminar will enrich his/her own understanding. The tacit understanding among the participants allows them to express themselves freely and to participate easily in practical exercises.

After experiencing the benefits of a different working style, the participant returns to his/her world with the desire and commitment to apply what he/she has learned and understood. The post-training follow-up proposed to the company via Groups YES WE CAN ® allows to ensure the implementation and to «measure» qualitatively its actual impact.

Facilitations in French, English, or Mandarin Chinese, in France or overseas.


To measure the benefits for the company and to track their evolution.

The application developed by IDTREE ® permits to track on the spot the evolution of the managerial practices (Module Manager Feedback) and employees’ level of happiness at work (Module Happiness at work).

Compared with the practice of 360°, the originality of this application is to provide an immediately understandable debriefing of the results and to bring coaching within everyone’s reach by providing users with mini-videos adapted to their needs of evolution in management style as well as in their happiness at work.